Hi Edson. Thanks for your grant application as I think the completion would add value to the UMA ecosystem. One thing I’m unclear on…
You would retain and put 100 out of 10000 UMA towards voting and securing the OO. What would the other 9900 UMA be put towards? How would it break down and help you complete this project?
My general thoughts are that this could be a helpful support for developers wishing to build decentralised data feeds, however
although I appreciate you have included an attachment with further information, the details in the application are very thin.
in particular there are few details about how this would be delivered or the benefits to developers.
A request for 5882.35 is over the maximum grant award (UMA price is currently $1.71) and seems very high for an educational article, however its difficult to tell the exact deliverables.
In the attachment there is reference to support required incl. community review and sample source code, however no budget seems to be allocated to these areas.
Its difficult to tell if the loss to UMA would be significant if this proposal was not funded, I can potentially see this being a popular approach, but its difficult to quantify and I’m not sure that an educational article alone would encourage developers to build decentralised data feed products, or products built on these feeds.