Name of Applicant: Web3 Cms
Contact Address :
Wallet Address : 0xaEc10C6768E492d3D20FC996cF514f113C3dB904
Grant for Tooling
Brief Description
Building a web3 cms that will make building blogs on web3 infastructure very easy.
Detailed description
We intend on build a content management system for blogs on web3 infastructure, the platform will be hosted online and the source code is open source, currently building a full blog on web3 technology is more complex than it has to be, with web3cms developers can focus on building the frontend of their website and the web3cms handles all the complex stuff.
What would UMA lose out on if it did not fund this grant
UMA will lose the chance to support a project that increases the awareness of web3 technology to local non technical bloggers.
How many UMA tokens are you requesting for this project?
What percentage of the grant would you retain to secure the Optimistic Oracle by voting
How would you spend the remainder of the grant?
On building the web3cms and possibly adding more features
How many months would this grant cover?
Additional Information
When I newly got into web3 from being a web2 developer one of the first things I tried to build was a decentralized blog with web3 technology, but it was just too difficult so I suggested to my team we build a solution so the next new web3 developers seeking to build a decentralized blog find it as easy as building a web2 blog and this grant will really help the cause.