Hello folks,
The great new kpi-options product hit the streets today.
We need a place for speculators to be able to trade these valuable instruments up to maturity date.
Ideas as to how to make this a reality?
Thanks UMAns!
Hello folks,
The great new kpi-options product hit the streets today.
We need a place for speculators to be able to trade these valuable instruments up to maturity date.
Ideas as to how to make this a reality?
Thanks UMAns!
Yes, we need these trading ASAP!
What would be the best place to create a market?
Uniswap is the best known and the most widely used, but both balancer and sushiswap voters got airdropped tokens and UNI holders didnt, so maybe we should think about one of those?
Love it! UMAns, are any of you Sushi or Balancer folks with input/ideas as to how we make this happen? Thanks
Dunno about Sushi, but on Balancer you can set up your own pool.
Its pretty expensive tho to set up the pool contract. (Gas fees are a killer)
I want to bring one more DEX to the table and give some insight regarding Sushiswap.
Single sided liquidity with IL protection for your uKPI if you leave them there for 100 days (linear IL protection build up with 30-day cliff). If you want to hold uKPI till expiry that’s ~90 days already, so if you are long on UMA TVL you can lock the uKPI for 100 days.
BNT rewards (nice APY).
BNT holders need to vote to enable BNT rewards for uKPI.
BNT holders may vote to discontinue the BNT rewards if they see low trading volume for uKPI. I’m not sre if there is a way to force rewards till June 30th via a partnership between Bancor and UMA or something along those lines.
High gas fees, like really high gas fees.
If we go with Sushiswap, we can apply for the Onsen program which will give SUSHI rewards to token holders and also open the opportunity to an Onsen AMA regarding uKPI or UMA in general. Seems like good exposure.
Whats the Sushi Onsen programme? I googled but I couldnt find a tl;dr summary
This was the original proposal so maybe it changed over time, but it should give you an idea
And here you can see the current Onsen program
Hi Guys, I think Sushi swap will be a great DEX to trade these valuable instruments. Great proposal.
Ok folks, sounds like we have multiple DEXs that could be explored. Great!
I only offered up the idea many were already thinking.
Now, who has set something like this up before?
Any takers who know how to run with this to get a secondary market to trade kpi-options set up?
I’ve read recommended trading pairs of perhaps
UTVL / USDC (or other stable)
DEX options
Sushi community was airdropped UTVL and maybe the Onsen program can also be leveraged?
I’m really out of my depth here. Need pros to make this a reality.
Sushi looks quite good with the Onsen stuff.
Must be a few people who got airdropped KPI Options from voting on sushi that might know something about how to set up a pool there. I dont really know sushi all that well at all.
I thinik anyone can create the pool. I even could. THe onsen rewards is more of a negotation with Sushi. I don’t have good contacts there, but Badger does. Maybe through them. Also have you thought about 1inch, they seem to be looking for unique lp options.
I think less pairs are better. It allows liqudity to flow. If you could get sushi to add UMA as a base routing pair, you could do UTVL/UMA and only that and route everything through uma increasing fees on that LP too.
If not than either eth or stables, but pairing stables against cryptro always results in slippage and usually doesn’t make sense without additional farming incentives.
Any plans on incentivising thins pool somehow with some uma, or more options?
Or even just hinting that you’ll likely airdrop more of these to loyal LPs
sushi lp for uTVL / WETH is now operational.
anyone got the juice to get our new kpi-option/weth sushi lp on the docket for onsen? i’d love to see this grand price discovery experiment expand and sushi rewards might help (if its even possible).
Amazing stuff, Hash Error, will take a proper look at the Olsen progamme and see what can be done.
Hi folks, so we made the uTVL/wETH pool on sushi and the volume in it first 24 hours is 5th from the bottom BUT it’s liquidity is at the bottom by a wide margin.
My hope is our little experiment will rise as far as bottom 25 in 24 hr volume in time with a little tlc.
Anyway, my real reason for posting.
At least one person mentioned they thought a more appropriate pool would have been uTVL/UMA instead of uTVL/wETH.
I’ve mentioned I’m a pleb. Can someone teach me the pros/cons of which pair would likely have been the stronger choice?
Thx and all the best!