Twitch/Youtube Streamer Synthetic

There are estimated revenue metrics that are provided to streamers on youtube. I don’t know how willing Google is to give that out?

From you tube site.
estimatedRevenue (core metric) (previously named earnings )

The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region. This is a core metric and is subject to the Deprecation Policy.

Estimated revenue metrics are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising.

estimatedAdRevenue (previously named adEarnings )

The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region.

Estimated revenue metrics are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising.

estimatedRedPartnerRevenue (previously named redPartnerRevenue )

The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions. The metric’s value reflects revenue from both music and non-music content and is subject to month-end adjustment.

Ad performance metrics


The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with estimated revenue, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements.

cpm (previously named impressionBasedCpm )

The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions.

adImpressions (previously named impressions )

The number of verified ad impressions served.


The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%.


The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. "