Welcome to the UMA XIO Accelerator Programme Phase 2 - Ideas Competition
Submit a thread in this section using the pre-formatted template for entry.
1st place will receive $2500 XIO + 100 uTVL options
2nd place will receive $1250 XIO + 50 uTVL options
3rd place will receive $750 XIO + 30 uTVL options
4th place will receive $500 XIO + 20 uTVL options
Entries should be made in the form of the pre-formatted template (see below)
Title of your idea
Summary Description
1-3 paragraphs outlining why this synthetic is valuable and why people would want to use it
Which metric will your synth track?
e.g. the temperature in Sweden
How will you get data for your metric
What sources will you use? How reliable are these sources, are there any barriers to getting reliable data, how much might access to this data cost, can it be corrupted, is the data granular enough to be meaningful, does the data reflect the metric that you are tracking
What collateral type(s) would you use for this synthetic
why do you think this would be a good collateral type - think about things like liquidity, acceptance, reliability, user familiarity
Describe in detail how you would create this synthetic. You might want to consider
- how you were tracking the most accurate measurement of the metric possible
- how you would account for any discrepancies or issues with the metric
- What issues might you encounter in the development of the synthetic
- What developer expertise do you have to hand and how might to source additional support
- thoughts around how you would present the synthetic and design decisions
- How you would make sure that people who would find the synthetic useful could access it
After the submission deadline on April 17th, the top four ideas as voted on internally by the UMA + Blockzero teams will go into a final round, we will hold a 24-hour community vote to determine the final top 4 winners on UMA’s Discourse Forum.